Home » » [Tutorial] How to Flash ASUS Zenfone 5 CN/TW to WW Firmware [EN]

[Tutorial] How to Flash ASUS Zenfone 5 CN/TW to WW Firmware [EN]

Posted by Droid Firmware Flash on Tuesday, September 11, 2018

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Watch the whole video before proceeding any further! Backup your files before flashing! Root ZenFone, ADB Installer, E.S. File Explorer (or any root explorer), Asus Driver, and ROMs will be needed in this tutorial. Click SHOW MORE to check all steps.

Step 1 Root ( on phone)
The phone must be rooted.
1. Download ASUS Zenfone Root APK: http://bit.ly/z5root
2. Install - Open - OK - Reboot.

Step 2 E.S. File Explorer (on phone)
To access to the root folder.
1. Download APK: http://bit.ly/esfexplorer
2. Install - Open - Turn Root Explorer on - Allow Mount R/W to read right.

Step 3 ASUS Zenfone Driver & ADB Installer (on PC)
To be recognized. To edit.
1. Download ASUS Driver: http://bit.ly/z5driver
2. Extract - Install
3. Download ADB: http://bit.ly/adbinstall
4. Run (administrator privileges required )
5. Press Y to every question
6. Continue installation - Finished.

Step 4 ROMs of version (on PC & phone)
Downgrade the firmware back to in order to flash the WW.
1. Download 2 ROMs (If the phone is CN, download CN & WW. TW for TW & WW):
CN- ROM: http://bit.ly/zenfone5cn
or TW- ROM: http://bit.ly/zenfone5tw
WW- ROM: http://bit.ly/zenfone5ww
2. Extract both zip files
3. CN ROM: Go inside the UL-ASUS_T00F-CN-, copy the 4 files and paste into your ADB folder: fastboot.img, boot.img, recovery-from-boot.p and install-recovery.sh
4. Open install-recovery.sh with NOTEPAD, change the line "/system/recovery-from-boot.p" to "/data/local/tmp/recovery-from-boot.p"
5. Connect the phone to PC
6. Copy 2 files recovery-from-boot.p & install-recovery.sh (modified) from PC to the Download folder of the phone.
7. Disconnect the phone.
8. Open E.S. File Explorer.
9. Go to /sdcard/Download/, cut recovery-from-boot.p & install-recovery.sh, paste both files into /data/local/tmp/
10. Power off the phone.

Step 5 Downgrade CN 1.14 & Flash to WW (on Phone & PC)
1. Run into Droidboot. Press both buttons: Power + Volume Up
2. Connect the phone to PC
3. Go to ADB folder. Shift + Right Click and select "open command windows here", then type "fastboot devices".
4. Assume the phone is now connected, type the following 2 lines:
fastboot flash fastboot fastboot.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
5. Reboot the phone and boot normally to Android system
6. On PC, in CMD screen type in folder ADB: adb shell (hit Enter), su (hit Enter), sh data/local/tmp/install-recovery.sh (hit Enter)
7. Disconnect the phone, turn off Wifi/Data, power off
8. Enter Droidboot (Power + Volume UP), select RECOVERY, hold the volume down and press volume up, select "apply update from ADB". Connect the phone to PC
9. On PC, copy "UL-ASUS_T00F-CN-" (not the original downloaded, but the extracted one, look at the file name) to ADB folder, rename to cnrom.zip, Shift + Right Click and select "open command windows here" to open the ADB, type "adb sideload cnrom.zip"
10. After finished, disconnect the phone and restart it. Ensure it's 1.14 version and power off
11. Repeat 8
12. On PC, copy "UL-ASUS_T00F-WW-" (not the original downloaded, but the extracted one, look at the file name) to ADB folder, rename to wwrom.zip, Shift + Right Click and select "open command windows here" to open the ADB, type "adb sideload wwrom.zip"
13. Wipe data/factory reset
14. After all, disconnect and restart the phone.
15. Done.

The root will be lost. Re-root if you want.


Tutorial Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=54451457&postcount=21

Asus Zenfone 5 Details: http://www.pandawill.com/search/result/?c=&q=60223+60221+60222+60220&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=U2B&utm_campaign=asus5

Asus Zenfone 5 Unboxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QBS_3VStns

Any feedback is welcome! Feel free to comment down below. Subscribe if you enjoy it. Thanks for watching!

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